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Part 1: The Archives of Gilles Porte

1-4: The Settings

The drawings

The drawings presented by Gilles Porte were produced according to the following procedure: Children were given a sheet of black paper in format A5 and a white pencil (crayon). The crayon was prepared (sharpened) in advance. Children were asked to position the paper in "portrait" format when drawing. (Then, they fit when combined with the photographs.)

After such preparation, the children were asked to draw themselves. No further comment was given, and the time of drawing was free. When they finished, they gave back the papers, and names and ages were indicated on the back of drawings by Gilles Porte and the adults in charge on site.

The films

The recordings of the drawing process were produced in a specific setting and according to a similar procedure than used for the drawings.

The recording setting consisted of:

First, before any recording, the children were asked to draw themselves on a paper.

Then, Gilles Porte asked a single child to draw itself and explained that it may use all the surface oft he glass and take all the time needed. If necessary, adults in charge on site translated the explanations into the language of child. At the same time, the setting and filming procedure was shown and explained to the child. Only after, the cameras were hidden by the black blankets.

Children were only recorded if they wanted to participate the project and if their parents (or related responsible adults) gave their permission.

Finally, Children were given a black pencil (marker) and started to draw themselves on the glass. No further comment was given, and the time of drawing was free. The entire drawing procedure was filmed. When the child had finished, names and ages were taken by Gilles Porte according tot he iindications of the adults in charge on site.