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Part 1: The Archives of Gilles Porte

1-3: The Artistic Publications

As mentioned above, several artistic works of Gilles Porte are published:

Portraits / Autoportraits. Editions Le Seuil, 2009, Paris. Book presenting photographs and drawings.

Portraits / Autoportraits. Short films, Gédeon Programmes et S'imagine Films, France, 2009. 80 short films (of 2 minutes) combined with 80 animations.

Déssine-toi. Full-length film, Gebeka Films Distribution, France, 2010.

Déssine-toi, Portraits / Autoportraits. DVD case, France Television Distribution, 2011. Including the full-length film, the 80 short films and additional material.

Several exhibitions of photographs (portraits) and drawings (autoportraits) were held, including some thousand children of all 38 countries of five continents visited.