Early Pictures
Frühe Bilder


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Early Pictures: Morphology Europe

>> www.early-pictures.ch/eu

Subject matter
Investigation of qualities, structural formations and development tendencies in
early graphic expressions of European children

Part 1, 1999-2001; Part 2, 2002-2004; Part 3, 2005-2007

Dieter Maurer (head of project), Claudia Riboni (co-head of project)
Birute Gujer, Christina Hemauer, Judith Herren (research associates)

Guido Reichlin
Karin Wälchli

Andreas Klinkert

Cooperations – Universities and research institutes
National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Prof. Dr. John S. Matthews
Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich), Hans Diethelm, Thomas Hermann, Jens Kistler, Ruth Kunz
University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Richter
University Hospital Zurich, Neuropsychology, PD Dr. Peter Brugger, Prof. Dr. Marianne Regard
Marie Meierhofer-Institute for the Child, Zurich, Dr. Heidi Simoni
Zentrum für kleine Kinder Winterthur, Dr. Barbara Zollinger

Funding (non-profit)
Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI
Baugarten Foundation Zurich
Göhner Foundation Zurich
Lotteriefonds Zurich
National Assurance Basel
Alfred Richterich Foundation Basel
Vontobel Foundation Zurich
Claire Sturzenegger-Jeanfavre Foundation Basel
Zurich University of the Arts: Institute for Cultural Studies and Art Education, Institute for Critical Theory

Nikon AG Schweiz

Software development and webdesign
Database Designs, Laax-Murschetg, Alexis Gehrt
Wilsan Installation, Malaysia, Arunachalam Chidambaram
Christian d'Heureuse, Inventec Informatik AG, Zurich
Jürgen Ragaller, null-oder-eins GmbH, Zurich

Published in 2007 (see publication list)